5E.GMail as a motor for the webmoney in the 4G3W?
GMail as a new factor for the e-money in 4G3W
If Google is looking to start with a new window for the personal work over "bankmoney into webmoney now!”, nobody knows. But the idea would complete GMail first than others communication motors, by increasing performance to roll the cash over plusvalues as we see in the Economy 4G3W.
It would be fantastic for you to get GMail weboney window as a part of Google services, and perform with 4G3W automatic production factors over your active savings. Because this works without any risk. And you get a new motor to save, because it is very hard to do it alone. Without any communication motor linking for you giving 4th economic gesture opportunity.
You can now ask Google for an operative money window.
6E.You need to datevalue 10€
You need to datevalue 10€
Because you perform better economic power in the space 4G3W :
Keeping cash your datevalors live account;
Getting yours webmatic multiplying factors;
Enjoying screen control 4G3W to deal your datevalors property.
7E.Challenging Nokia & €-CentralBank to create the screenmoney 4G3W
Of course the future is now.
Referring to the spot-news about Economy 4G3W, with money coming now datevalued by the 4th economic gesture & the reality show of the webmatic plusvalues over the cash-call-free.
I'm challenging the Power and the Tech:
On the wave, if you must not save... you must not spend... you must not invest..., b-cause to datevalue is better on the Web, and then the moment is happening now.
So I’m inviting now _ first of others (ChicagoFed,LiveMail,GMail,Vodafone)& out of Silicon Valley _ and asking the young European Central Bank to put in back screen for the world & I’m challenging Nokia+ECB to put in front of the screens 4G videomoney for people performancing. Add individual & solve the old economy.
You want true VideoMoney now, b-cause depending of your free economic gesture the datevalors, want to put or to call his cash, without risk but plusvalues. By screen, of course and OUT-OF-THE-MARKET!
8E.Is Nokia looking for "I-do-mark-my-money" in 4G3W ?
The New Tech allows to datevalue the money on-line4G3W-owner-datevalors-account.
In the near future "You-do-mark-your-money" and "I-do-mark-my-money", b-cause it is for the biggest utility in your economic live.
Depending of Sonny, Nokia, Google, Vodafone and others "petits suisses"!
The New Tech allows to datevalue the money on-line4G3W-owner-datevalors-account.
In the near future "You-do-mark-your-money" and "I-do-mark-my-money", b-cause it is for the biggest utility in your economic live.
But first of all, the matter is on the hands of the Central Banks Worldwide.
ASAP, the new motor to push individual savings, is right-reserved at the conception. But the moon is also for everybody.
Nokia is a big nature. Connecting people... but without money on the screen? I don’t believe it.
Business is going on: _connecting people & linking-marked-money_.
Out of the market!
For you b-cause, it is cash by phone and: Out of any risk!
The New Economy 4G3W happens when you get a new economic space where performing your economic life by a new gesture upon the money. And to datevalue some money could resolve your personal economy, because it contains webmatic production factors. And by the way it is the world economic solution. Out but open to the World Economic Forum in the yearly Symposium at Davos. Of course, first of all it was necessary to find a type of production that appears to be on a very short cycle & different of the classics: Liquidity-inversion-production-incoming-Liquidity I propose first of all, to understand this question that I know: Liquidity-production-Liquidity or Cash-production-Cash Without investment; without any risk.
9E.Better than the bank-money
What is the nature of the Webmoney 4G3W?
When you datevalue your bank-money it becames your webmoney 4G3W.
Your webmoney, your netmoney, your new money in the New Economy 4G3W.
4G it is because when you datevalue, you choice the 4th gesture upon the money.
After the 1st. one - to spend, the second gesture is to save and the 3th gesture- is to invest the money, this three gestures where the choice to do the classic economy.
3W it is because when you datevalue, you mark your money on the web, WWW.
After all kind of banks and after all kind of markets, the new field to do money is the 4G3W economic space.
Your own.
When you can take it, when you like to datevalue over your screen. Less or more than others before you. You mark more or less money, at your moment catching for your own the webmatic productions factors, that where free. Free of owner. Waiting for who can datevalue into webmoney by now.
Because you mark your money on the web with the date you could get. This date that you touch for you upon your bank-money, is a special one. Because a lot of production factors were free and selected with this date in the field 4G3W.
It becomes your property, not your credit. B-cause on webproduction factors, not just script on a banker account.
Your economic 4G3W property stays for you, only for you, on your datevalors webaccount, so long as you wish. So great as you can.
Because so many times you must revert and return in cash bank-money. This is to mark back and you must do outdatevalue.
Because you where indatevalue. 100% free. 5/5. Of course :
When your order webmoney datefree it becames cash money-bank. By 100%.
Nobody in & nobody out, date by today in 4G3W.
The 4th economic gesture to datevalue the money, must be the daily substitute of the investment.
Changing the world financial terms. From reserved banker’s fields to individual centered marked spaces.
The technology running 4G3W automatic plusvalues cashkeeping is now going out of the ROPES (Researh Office Protocols Encoding Security) as the first step in rights agreements before the big software public production.
Encoding security is the point requested, by you and me. Because after each factor of the individual performance, automatic production must go into his master’s pocket.
That is why you ask me as Author. What will be the company going to do first in the market with this fortune-window in 4G3W screens?
-Who can win? Well, I cannot say if I agree with Sony or Nokia. If Microsoft or Motorola are on the secret. If IBM is not as hard as machines seems. Yahoo or Google in search engines, engineering.
I’m in my ROPES, working market free.